TWU Local 512 Employee Assistance Program Who are we? We are specially trained coordinators who act as a go-between among Optum, the company, or the union and with the employee seeking assistance. You can find who the recent EAP coordinators are and how to contact them by going to the TWU 512 website or by looking at the TWU 512 bulletin board. Our Mission We desire to provide a confidential and professional service for the membership while having a joint relationship with the company and union. Our aim is to adhere to all ethnic and legal standards as set forth by the Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA). Our Role TWU 512 EAP can assist employees in dealing with personal situations that can affect our quality of life as well as our job performance. Unresolved situations may result in family disruption, job loss, health problems or perhaps even death. Who is Optum? Optum is Work life services Benefit who aids in situations that may challenge your everyday life. Optum can professionally assess and refer you to services that are covered by your insurance. Optum has onsite counselors in their office located in the east mezzanine. The office number is 773-686-4179. Contact your employee assistance program 24/7 at 800-363-7190 Why Trust the EAP? It’s important to point out that the EAP is voluntary. That means you decide whether to take the suggestions given to you. Also the program is absolutely confidential. Privacy and confidentiality are assured by the EAP and TWU. Services Include: · Debt Management · Depression/Anxiety · Grief and Loss · Eating Disorders · Divorce · Marital Relationships · Child/Teen Behavioral issues elder care · Alcohol/Drug Dependence · Gambling/Addictive behavior · Sexual Abuse · Domestic Violence · Stress Management · Trauma Response · Work Issues · Anger Management National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800)273-8255 Chicagoland Narcotics Anonymous (708)848-4884 Alcoholic Anonymous 24/7 (877)968-5732 National Veterans Helpline (800)507-4571 National Council for Problem Gambling 1-800-522-4700
Page Last Updated: Mar 06, 2023 (16:59:45)